Currently working on a series of works for my exhibition
which will be happeningcoming March!
The group exhibition is titled
'The End is the Beginning' because our group
has recently graduated and the end of our academic life
is only the beginning of a new and daunting adventure
into our creative lives.
My personal body of work I have chosen to title Wander.

This is the main character of my work..
I'm not sure what I'm going to call her yet..
I did a very loose sketch of a little girl with soulful eyes one
day when I was feeling depressed and confused about
what I wasgoing to do.. which happens quite alot apparently. haha.
This lost girl represents me.
Alot of us experience this at a certain time
in our lives (most especially artists I think).
Confusion over which direction to take, what road to follow,
what we are supposed to do with our lives.
The essence of my work is to be like a children's story.
My little lost girl wanders the world, discovering new and strange
places and characters. She carries a large handkerchief sack on her
back in which she carries all the things of the past with her,
her memories, experiences, regrets, and burdens.
She has yet to learn how to let go.

This pieces talks about the fear of failure, the end of the road,
looking down, and unexpected things that may
arise out of situations like this.
As you can see I haven't thought of any titles yet..
all the titles I come up with just seem to end up sounding cheesy...
Is it just me or doesanyone else have this problem too??

Here she has an encounter with a colourful seasnake.
I'm going to be doing 2 more underwater pieces kind of
like a story of her underwater experience.
This piece looks a lot better in real life...
scanners just never seem to capture white properly..
the little bits of white ink I've done for the highlights have all
disappeared together with the bubbles..